
Putting it all aside

I have a job interview tomorrow.

Talk about the ultimate on the spot experience! Here I will be, under a microscope, being judged by people who will control whether or not I will brought into their fold - whether or not I will receive money from them, get my lifeblood from them, become one of them.

And yet these are the times in life when we are encouraged to be the most dishonest. "Don't mention this", we are advised. "Make a big deal out of that. Sell yourself!!"

Sell myself? If I present a picture that is distored, that has been tailored to please a particlar audience, am I selling myself? If I put it all aside - my spiritual beliefs, the way I genuinely connect with people, even the blotches on my record - will that lead to the best outcome for me? For them?

Finding a job is a stressful experience. We all need to work to survive, to take care of ourselves and others. For myself, having left my last job in exasperation several months ago and with a giant student debt looming, there is a lot riding on what happens tomorrow. But will I really do myself a service by begging, by playing the part they want me to play at all costs?

What if we could go into a job interview seeing it as a spiritual practice? One being of light and awareness, going to encounter other beings of light and awareness, to see if we connect in the right way. Nothing more. And trusting, fully trusting, that the more authentic we can be, the more authentic the outcome would be.

Now that takes guts.


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